Niniji Niji

There's a good chance you've met this androgynous Dunesfolk and never even knew it. They utilize many aliases to attend to many different interests and often keep their face obscured. Their birth name has long been abandoned, but Niniji Niji is the one they're going with...for now.

The Lalafell with Many Names...

Name: Niniji Niji
Birth Name: Jijini Jini
Aliases: Ixchel, Kōsai, Bismuth, Opal, Iris, Lady Prism
Age: 31 summers
DOB: 1st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Height: 3'1"
Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell
Gender: Genderfluid (they/them)
Orientation: Lesbian
Relationship: Dating Seselia Selia
Occupation: Tinker, Painter, Con Artist

AppearanceNiniji stands at medium height for a lalafell. They have lightly tanned skin and bright cyan eyes...which are almost always obscured by a mask, a pair of sunglasses, or a set of goggles.The natural color for their, sideswept hair is a deep indigo, which they like to highlight with bright blue highlights most of the time. When they are using one of their many aliases, they will usually wear a wig or color their hair differently to fit the 'part' and look distinctive from their usual look.They tend to dress in darker colors and lean into their androgyny most of the time, though they are partial to wearing blue. Of course, depending on their alias, they might wear something completely out of character to sell their con artist act.Niniji has a gruff, alto voice, and normally speaks in a casual, Limsan accent, but this is not their original way of speaking. Depending on the situation, they can speak in a number of ways.

Goggles, Sunglasses, Masks, Paintings, Explosions, Guns, Crystal Ball, Astrologian Cards, Engineering tools, Tobacco Pipe
Oldspice, Paint fumes, Motor Oil, Dragon's Blood, Tobacco smoke

Personality+ Jack-of-Many-Trades, Intelligent, Prodigy
- Nihilist, Hedonist, Deceptive
Just who is Niniji Niji? A character with so many names and aliases can be hard to pin down, and much of that is by design. Their duplicitous nature is what has gotten them through their adulthood, and they have no intentions of leaving that behind.One thing that is for certain is that Niji is incredibly intelligent - even though they often act much stupider than they really are. In another life, perhaps they would have been a well-known scholar accomplishing great things for this star...but something set them upon a different path. A path where they are in it only for themself.Though they are an opportunist by nature, there is a degree of loyalty to be found in their actions. After all, you don't bite the hand that feeds long as they don't screw you over. Then all bets are off.Even so, Niniji Niji enjoys playing the long game. If you interact with this individual you can expect that they are closely observing you...and probably going to dig up dirt on you later...just in case.Niniji can often be found...

  • Lavender Beds, home of the Mysterium

  • Shirogane

  • Your Local Bar or Club

  • The streets of the Allied City-States

  • The shadiest places imaginable...

Plot Hooks

Alias: Ixchel (they/them)
Under the guise of Ixchel, Niji has been seen on the streets of Tuliyollal, wearing a unique mask and wielding an airbrush-like device. They are largely known for their vandalism of local buildings and transportation, but there seems to be more to it than just that. It's as if they are trying to send a message...
Alias: Opal (she/her)
Under the alias of Opal, Niniji worked tirelessly as an art restorer, using the painting skills they were blessed with from a young age to bring new life to artwork that has been long-damaged! Or at least this is what her legitimate clients believe. The reality is that Niniji also used those painting skills to perfectly recreate the painting in question. They then would give the replica to their client...and sell the original restored artwork on the black market. This operation came to an end, however, when one of these forgeries was exposed, causing shock waves in the art world! Perhaps you were once one of Opal's many clients...or perhaps you have had black market dealings with them.
Alias: Lady Prism (she/her)
A prominent Astrologian and Fortune-Teller named Lady Prism once had a shop in Gridania. They say that her fortunes were right on the money...! She was even invited to a number of wealthy peoples' parties to tell fortunes as entertainment. However, it seems that this mysterious veiled seer disappeared some time ago! Could you be one of her many satisfied clients?
Alias: Bismuth (he/him)
Under the alias Bismuth, Niniji deals in a number of shady things from illicit substances to stolen goods, but their biggest moneymaker is information. Using their other aliases, they are able to learn a great deal about a number of people. Bismuth sells that information to interested buyers...and if there are none, well, there's always the leverage of blackmail.
Alias: Iris (she/her)
Iris was Niniji's alias when they worked for a certain mafia organization that fronted as a massage parlor. They walked away after seeing the writing on the wall - at great personal risk - and this alias has since been completely abandoned, but maybe you recall a certain masked hostess with such a name.
Alias: Tatanuki Hahanuki (he/him)
Tatanuki Hahanuki was a monetarist upstart in Ul'dah, after immigrating from his home in the South Sea Islands to expand his business ventures to the Jewel of the Desert. He had made quite an impact on Ul'dahn society for a short time, 'accidentally' setting certain rumors in motion. Rumors which had a negative affect on certain individuals seeking a higher place in Ul'dahn society. Rumors which, alas, got him assassinated. Or so the story goes. Did you ever meet this eccentric man?

Legatum Mysteria
After leaving their previous place of employment, Niniji sought out Daerin Roda of Legatum Mysteria for both employment and refuge from their previous employer...who had threatened to cut out Niji's tongue if they ever left. Niji has since made themself comfortable in the Mysterium and have even secured a cushy position for themself.
Alias: Kōsai (he/him)
Under the alias Kōsai, Niniji briefly ran a small operation in the Far East, dealing in various relics and seeking investors for an automaton project. They worked very closely with Nobuyuki Takeya of a Hingan Yakuza. However, when Kōsai failed to deliver on said automaton, things did not end well for either of them. Said Yakuza has since been disbanded after Nobuyuki's disappearance, and Kōsai is nowhere to be found.
Sharlayan Tragedy...
Citizens of Sharlayan or those with ties to the scholarly nation might recall a terrible tragedy from a decade ago, when a building exploded, killing a young student - Bebere Bere. The Forum never made any public allegations...until recently. A former student, Jijini Jini, had fled the island nation at the time of the explosion, and now - though the Forum does not have jurisdiction in Eorzea - they have been pushing for Jijini's extradition.
Niniji has been seen at the side of the genius tinker Seselia Selia for some time now. In addition to learning engineering from her, they have been assisting her with constructing a mechanical...person? Named Ninita Theta. What started as the beginnings of another scheme has since turned into sincere appreciation, respect, and...even love, for both Seselia and their robot daughter. Could this be the end of Niji's shady dealings, or will this family they've built become a liability? Only time will tell.

  • Please Note: If you wish to connect via one of Niji's aliases, please clear it with me OOC first. Niniji takes great care to disguise themself well with every Alias and they wouldn't be so easily recognized out of 'costume'.

OOC Notes

I will roleplay with veteran and novice RPers alike, assuming I'm not AFK or busy with something else! However, I have a few notes to consider:

  • I am not my characters, and they are not self-inserts for me. While I am happy to make friends with people OOC and IC alike, it's very important to me that fellow RPers recognize that I have a hard line between my characters and my IRL life, especially when it comes to relationships.

  • I am open to all kinds of storytelling, including mature or dark themes. However, please clear anything especially dramatic with me OOC beforehand.

  • I stay relatively lore compliant but I do believe in the "Rule of Cool" and bending the lore (not breaking it) to make a more exciting, engaging story. I like to take vague obscure lore bits and expound on them to make something unique.

  • Because my characters and stories tend to lean toward the mature side, please only engage me in RP if you're over the age of 18 IRL.

  • Do not interact if you're only interested in ERP. I'm not against ERP, but it is not a focus for me. I do not enjoy it unless it is the culmination of a story beat, with players that I trust.

  • I really enjoy exploring peoples' character histories and building their stories! If any of my characters' hooks sound like something you could build off of, I'd love to have an OOC conversation about that! Perhaps we could even plan a story arc together. ♥